St. Ann's Bay Development Association

Meeting of 28 March 2017

Present: Loreto Doyle, Anne-Claude Pépin, Yvonne van der Zanden, Jitka Zgola

Regrets: Paul Weinberg

  1. Call to Order
  2. Old Business
    • Web site coordinator contract
    • Our contract with the Community Web Site coordinator is about to expire.
    • Motion: to renew Jay Rawding's contract as web site coordinator on the same terms as the current contract, for a new term of 6 months at a total value of $2,500 (moved: Anne-Claude; seconded: Loreto; carried).
  3. New Business
    • Election of officers
    • Jitka continues as President/Chair, Yvonne becomes Vice-President, and, in Rosie's absence, Anne-Claude will take on the role of Corporate Secretary, remaining as Treasurer.
  4. Meeting adjourned (moved: Anne-Claude; seconded: Yvonne)

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