St. Ann's Bay Development Association

Meeting of 9 June 2016

Present: Loreto Doyle, Anne-Claude Pépin, Rosie Smith, Angelo Spinazzola, Yvonne van der Zanden, Paul Weinberg, Jitka Zgola

Regrets: Ian Green

  1. Call to order
  2. Approve agenda as amended (moved: Anne-Claude; seconded: Paul; carried.)
  3. Approve minutes of the meeting of 10 May 2016 as amended (moved: Anne-Claude; seconded: Angelo; carried.)
  4. Financial Report (Anne-Claude)
    • The bank balance at 6 June ws $9,659.82.
    • Since then:
      • A cheque for $1,000 was given to Lisa Finney as second scheduled payment for working on enrolling listers for the community web site
      • $26.70 was spent on hospitality, and $60 for Tea Room rental, for the cruise ship tourism diaglogue and the Tips for Productive Meetings seminar

        Loreto has recently spoken with Tom Wilson, and his department will be funding the costs of the seminar, $86.70.
    • $8,573.12 remains after these expenses. Of this, $1,745 remains from a grant, and is earmarked for social media marketing.
    • Motion: to approve the financial report as read (moved: Paul; seconded: Loreto; carried.)
  5. Old Business
    • Community web site update
    • Lisa’s contract is for 125 hours by the end of July, to enrol businesses in the web site. She thinks these hours will be needed for businesses, and will not have time for non-profit groups. She has spent approximately 40 hours so far. Everyone she has contacted has agreed to take a listing, although they do not all have content yet. Lisa says she is on track to finish by the end of July.
    • Anne-Claude asked her if she might be interested in working on the web site for additional hours, pending funding. Lisa indicated she may be interested.
    • Angelo has sent Mike Shepherd, the site developer, a pointed letter regarding outstanding web site issues. Anne-Claude has started uploading initial content on her own, which was originally meant to be transferred over from the old site by Mike. A training session has also not yet been scheduled.
    • Anne-Claude has added “Live” as a main menu item, targeted to people who live or may want to live here.
    • Action: By our next meeting, all board members will have reviewed the web site and compiled lists of things they like or that need to be changed.
    • Action: Rosie will send Anne-Claude the photos by Vince Forrestall of outdoor activities in the area, to be added to the site's photo gallery.
    • Action: When we are able to set up a discussion with Mike, we will ask if it is possible to tag photos with keywords to make them show up in search engines, and also keep photos uploaded by businesses separate, and not accessable to the main gallery.
    • Facebook update
    • There is no button on the web site that directs to the St Ann’s Community Facebook site. This is one of the items already on Mike Shepherd’s to-do list.
    • Action: Anne-Claude will follow up with Angelo and make sure the pages are linked properly.
    • Business training programme
    • Betty MacKenzie, Workplace Education Coordinator for the Department of Labour and Advanced Education, thought we might have to pay for future training programmes, but that is not yet the case. She has sent us several outlines and it is now up to us to decide on a programme we would like to offer. She has suggested presenting one in conjunction with Baddeck. Human Resources is a major focus of the available sessions.
    • These programmes are large time commitments for attendees, but have been very useful to past participants.
    • We have decided to form a committee to look into organising another session, targeted and attractive to both employers and employees. The committee will develop a sales pitch and course outline for the programme. Jitka, Loreto, and Yvonne will form the committee.
    • Tips for Effective Meetings seminar and application to SABDA meetings
    • There were 18 attendees for the cruise ship meeting, and 22 for the Tips for Effective Meetings seminar that we hosted on June 1. Several people attended from Englishtown. We were not charged by the presenters, so we did not charge admission for the session.
    • Three main pieces of feedback after our previous board meeting were:
      • Commitment: there is no doubt the board is committed
      • Time: everyone has little time, so meetings need to be short, decisive, effective, and productive
      • E-mails: we receive many SABDA e-mails, and people have started to grow tired and may be ignoring them. To help solve this issue, it was agreed to keep the following in mind:
        • E-mails should be kept to a minimum.
        • They should only be written if they are important and if they will make a difference.
        • If a topic can wait or requires discussion, it should be added to the next meeting’s agenda.
        • They should be kept short and concise.
        • Check the e-mail several times before sending, to ensure it is complete and correct.
        • We should assume that all e-mails are important, and we should make an effort to reply to the sender.
    • Cruise ship passengers
    • Jitka received a follow-up e-mail from Bernadette MacNeil, Marketing Manager at Port of Sydney, encouraging community businesses to provide a description and promo piece that can be used by tour operators. She confirmed that the smaller, independent tour operators have greater flexibility, and may be willing to make accommodations that suit local businesses.
    • Angelo has an arrangement with Enterprise Rent-a-Car, who pick passengers up at the dock, then take them back to their office, where they are given GPS coordinates that give them directions to North River Kayak. Angelo says that cruise ships have online forums for passengers to communicate. This has helped passengers form groups to organise their own tours.
    • Ton Megens of the Dancing Moose suggested to Loreto that, rather than SABDA coming up with packages, we hire someone to organise an event for local businesses to get together and brainstorm and come up with their own ideas. It was discussed, and we decided to try to organise a familiarisation ("FAM") tour for the small tour operators. They can then work out a package themselves by discussing with local businesses. We will write a preliminary letter to local business owners, introducing them to the idea and asking if they would be interested in having the FAM tour stop at their business. We will ask Bernadette if she will lead this FAM tour.
    • Action: Jitka will consult with Bernadette on this plan.
    • Action: Jitka will draft the letter to local businesses and circulate it to the board and Bernadette.
    • Action: The board will provide concise feedback.
    • Action: Jitka will send the letter to local businesses, giving them three days from sending date to respond.
    • Community survey
    • The survey results should be circulated to the community. The results will be used as a starting point to kick off our fall projects.
    • Action: Jitka will summarise the results, submit them for review, and circulate them to the community.
  6. New Business
    • Protocol
      • Open meetings
      • Motion: to declare all future SABDA meetings open, and to advertise them to the community (moved: Angelo; seconded: Yvonne; carried.)
      • Passing of minutes
      • The minutes will only be posted after they are approved by the board at the following meeting. If anything is changed or context added to the on-line version, they must be approved by the board at a meeting before being posted.
    • Assignment of responsibility for agenda items
    • Jitka has started noting responsible board members alongside their agenda items, so members are prepared to speak on their topics of responsibility.
    • Old papers
    • Jitka has a large stack of old SABDA records that must be dealt with. This topic will be deferred.
    • Eco justice
    • This item was raised as a possible area of interest to the community. There being no specific issue or cause brought forward at this time, the topic will be deferred.
    • Support for a Phase II Cabot Trail Façade, Streetscapes, and Viewscapes project
    • A letter in support of this initiative has been submitted to the Cabot Trail Steering Committee, as part of their application for funding to ACOA.
  7. Next Meeting
  8. Meetings will be adjourned for the summer. Our next meeting will be in September, date and place to be determined.
  9. Meeting Adjourned (moved: Paul; seconded: Anne-Claude)

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