St. Ann's Bay Development Association

Meeting of 10 May 2016

Present: Loreto Doyle, Ian Green, Merrill MacInnis, Anne-Claude Pépin, Rosie Smith, Yvonne van der Zanden, Paul Weinberg, Jitka Zgola

Regrets: Vince Forrestall, Angelo Spinazzola

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of agenda as amended (moved: Loreto; seconded: Ian; carried.)
  3. Approve minutes of the meeting of 5 April 2016 (moved: Yvonne; seconded: Anne-Claude; carried.)
  4. Special Reports
    • Connect2 grant and Active Transportation Plan
    • Vince Forrestall, County Physical Activity Coordinator, submitted some information on the Connect2 grant programme, which seems more suited for urban areas but is also intended for rural areas. This programme provides funds to develop 2-kilometre active transportation corridors between key community locations. Recreational trails cannot be funded through the programme. Half of project funding is provided by the grant programme, and the remainder by the applying organisation. It is unclear whether our portion can include in-kind contributions. Education and awareness can be one component of eligible projects.
    • Merrill and Vince have not discussed the Connect2 grant programme and how it may interact with the County's Active Transportation Plan, and Merrill indicated that the subject has not come up in Council.
    • Strait Area Transit
    • The transit service contract has not been renewed, as there were too few passengers taking advantage of the service (1.1 passengers/day between Baddeck and Whycocomagh). The dial-a-ride project is not going to be approved, due to the high cost and anticipated low demand.
    • Re-use Shed
    • A $493,000 capital project is in place for the County's solid waste facility in Baddeck, and a re-use shed (where usable items can be placed and exchanged instead of scrapping them) is one component of this project. The project will be completed within the next year, with a new scale being installed first. The re-use shed will be located before the scale, so users will not be entering the facility. There will be no staff designated to oversee the shed.
  5. Financial Report (Anne-Claude)
    • The current bank balance is $9,659.
    • Since 1 April:
      • A cheque for $1,000 was given to Terrie Zweep, along with a cover letter, to accept a contact link from the community web site to the Facebook site she is operating (letter appended to these minutes as Appendix 1).
      • A grant of $3,000 was received from the County for tourism marketing via our community web site
      • A $750 installment was paid to Lisa Finney as our listings coordinator, to sign up businesses to the community web site
      • $143 was paid to the Dancing Moose Cafe for AGM refreshments
      • $200 was paid to Ian McNeil for facilitating the AGM roundtable discussions
      • $60 was paid to the United Church for renting the Tea Room for the AGM
    • Some of the money included in the total bank balance is allocated to specific spending. This will be reported on at our next meeting.
    • Motion: to accept the financial report as read (moved: Paul; seconded: Ian; carried.)
    • Action: Loreto will resend to Anne-Claude the list of funds from grants that are allocated to specific projects.
  6. Old Business
    • Community web site update
    • There is not much change to the web site in the past month or two, with few new listings.
    • Action: Anne-Claude will talk to Lisa, our listings coordinator, and ask her for an update on the project, to be distributed to the board. She will ask for another update in time for the next board meeting.
    • Facebook update
    • No one has tried the Facebook button on the community web site to see if it directs to the St Ann’s Community Facebook page.
    • Action: Anne-Claude will follow up with Angelo and make sure the pages are linked properly.
    • Community survey
    • Today is the final day the survey will be open. There were 38 responses as of a few days ago. Tom Wilson will submit the responses to Jitka after the end of today.
    • Action: Jitka will distribute the responses to the board.
    • Action: Rosie will use a random number generator to select a prize winner.
  7. New Business
    • Tips for Effective Meetings seminar
    • This programme from Business Cape Breton would be made available at an evening meeting, from 6:30 to 8 pm. Jitka has invited other organisations and received a few responses. Fifteen participants are required. An invitation will be sent to the community at large once a date is selected.
    • Action: Loreto will ask the seminar instructors to pick an evening that works for them during the week of May 30.
    • Action: When a date has been agreed, Jitka will send an invitation to the Events sheet, advertising the seminar.
    • Cruise ship passengers/tourism
    • Loreto is arranging for Bernadette MacNeil, Marketing Manager for Port of Sydney, to talk to the community about cruise ship lines and what they and their passengers are looking for that our community may be able to offer. This community can only accommodate cruise ship passengers in small numbers and with enough advance notice, and the board was unsure if there would be value in trying to attract cruise ship passengers to the area.
    • Action: Loreto will book a meeting with Ms MacNeil.
    • Land bank initiative
    • Merrill has been asked to be a representative at meetings to discuss land banks, which would set aside land to be used for agricultural purposes.
    • Letter of support for Re-use Shed
    • Jitka submitted a letter to the County on SABDA's behalf in support of the Re-use Shed at the Baddeck Transfer Station.
    • Business training programmes
    • Betty MacKenzie of the Department of Labour and Advanced Education has asked whether we want to host more business training programmes in the community. This is the time of year that they allocate funds. We can apply for funding for a programme now, and offer the training at a later date this year. As of right now, the 40-hour training sessions are still free to attend. It was agreed that we would apply for funding.
    • Action: Loreto will liaise with Betty and let her know that we are interested in applying.
    • Letter of support for Excellence in Community Programming award application
    • The Health Centre is preparing an application, based on the Arts Builds Community project, for the Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Community Programming. They ask for our support.
    • Action: Jitka will draft and submit a letter of support on our behalf.
  8. Next Meeting
  9. The next meeting will be Tuesday 7 June at 7:00 at Cabot Shores.
  10. Action: Jitka will send a notice to the Events sheet.
  11. Meeting Adjourned (moved: Ian; seconded: Paul)

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