Meeting of 6 February 2016
Informal meeting to plan AGM
Present: Loreto Doyle,
Ian Green, Angelo Spinazzola, Barbara Weinberg
Paul Weinberg, Jitka Zgola
Regrets: Anne-Claude
Pépin, Rosie Smith
- Approval of agenda
- Informal—no set agenda.
- Preparation for AGM
- Speaker
- Nicole Lucas-Richardson, the County's new Economic
Development Officer, has expressed interest in presenting. However,
she is away and unable to confirm until next week. Mary Tulle, Director
of Destination Cape Breton, was suggested by Ian as an alternative.
- Action: Jitka
will confirm Nicole as soon as she returns.
- Action: Ian
will contact Mary in the event that Nicole is unavailable.
- Launch of Web Site
- We will introduce Lisa Finney as the listings
coordinator, and ask her to introduce the web site in a short
presentation - 10 minutes - to prepare community members to be
approached about signing up.
- By the time of the AGM, much of the content
should be in place.
- We will mention that, due to the strong Internet
presence of the well-known St. Ann's Bay in Jamaica, one needs to
include Cape Breton or Nova Scotia in search terms when looking for
our site, if one is not using the exact URL. In time, as we populate it,
our site will start to move up in the rankings.
- In case the Internet cannot be accessed from
the Tea Room, Lisa will prepare some pages to project as slides.
- Action: Loreto
will contact Lisa to confirm her attendance and participation.
- Roster for Elections
- We decided that we would aim for 10 board
members. It was reinforced that we would not have a larger number
to accommodate members who seldom attend meetings. Board members
are expected to attend meetings regularly.
- The primary characteristic we are looking for in a
board member is a passion to be engaged in the community.
- All current board members will re-offer.
- The following persons were proposed as potential
new directors: James Eldridge, Kelly Ingram, Amy MacInnis, Yvonne
Megens, Jim Piche, Laura Ratchford, Barbara Weinberg.
- We will contact these people, and invite those
who express an interest to a special meeting on March 15 that will
focus on reengaging with the community. We hope that the exercise
will be productive of ideas for the AGM roundtable discussions, and
will help these invitees to decide whether they would like to join
our board.
- Action: Angelo
will call Laura, Kelly, and Amy.
- Action: Loreto
will speak with Yvonne and Jim Piche.
- Action: Jitka
will call Jim Eldridge.
- Roundtable Discussions
- Rosie had suggested some kind of exercise to engage
attendees in identifying major issues on which SABDA should focus. In
order to avoid directing the discussion to a specific end, we agree that
a professional facilitator be engaged to guide participants to select areas
of importance that can then be discussed in greater detail by subsets of
meeting attendees.
- We agreed to ask Catherine Anne Fuller, with Ian
MacNeil as alternate if Catherine Anne cannot accept. We settled on
an honourarium of $200 for the facilitator.
- Action: Paul
will contact Catherine Anne, and Ian if necessary.
- AGM Agenda
- The following agenda for the evening
was finalised:
- Formal meeting: approve agenda; approve 2015
minutes; receive chair's report, receive financial report; elect new
2-year board; fix date for next AGM; adjourn
- Keynote address (with Q&A): Economic
Development Officer Nicole Lucas-Richardson (20 minutes)
- Lunch break
- Introduction of Lisa Finney as web site
coordinator (10 minutes)
- Facilitated roundtable discussions
- Notice of Meeting
- To be valid, notice of meeting must be given before
February 29. We also want to engage as many community members
as possible.
- Action: Loreto
will ensure that a notice is placed in the Events sheet in time to meet
the Events sheet deadline (the March Events sheet is delivered in
advance of the end of February). She will also ask for a separate
electronic "announcement" in late February, and again in
late March.
- Action: Jitka will
write an announcement that can be printed on posters for use at
venues around the community, including Seniors Lunches.
- Review of Ruth's and Merrill's Presentations
- The most powerful message from our last meeting was
that SABDA must reengage with the community. In order to move along
in that direction it is resolved that:
- We will ensure that at least 4 open meetings
are conducted each year.
- A contingent of the SABDA board will attend the
Victoria County Council meeting on Monday 8 February at 5:00
in Baddeck.
- Meeting Adjourned 12:30 pm
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