St. Ann's Bay Development Association

Meeting of 15 February 2014

Present: Loreto Doyle, Anne-Claude Pépin, Rosie Smith

Regrets: Janet Dauphney, James Murphy, Angelo Spinazzola, Paul Weinberg, Jitka Zgola

  1. Approve Agenda
  2. The agenda was amended to include discussion of a Social Media Marketing workshop.
  3. Motion: to approve the agenda as amended (moved: Rosie; seconded: Loreto; carried.)
  4. Community/Tourism Web Site Contract
    • Current Web Site Contract
    • It was discussed and agreed that the contract with Targett Design for creation of a tourism/community web site should be terminated. It should be noted that recent e-mail correspondence from SABDA board members (Angelo, Paul, Jamie) not in attendance indicated general consent on this subject. Between April and December 2013, it was made clear to Mike Targett that the products he was supplying were not suitable for SABDA. The term of the contract was set at one year from the signing date of 9 June 2012, unless extensions were mutually agreed upon. There have been verbal extension agreements thus far, but SABDA no longer desires further extensions.
    • All correspondence with Targett Design should be compiled in one location.
    • Motion: to terminate our agreement with Targett Design (moved: Rosie; seconded: Loreto; carried)
    • Terminating the Web Site Contract
    • A letter was written during the meeting, and it will be sent to Mike Targett's home address via registered mail.
    • Action: Anne-Claude will print and sign the letter, and a copy for our files, and give to Rosie for mailing.
    • Formulating a New Contract
    • Following a discussion, it was decided to wait until the AGM to enter into a new contract. At that time, if a suitable candidate has been selected by the board, a new contract may be formed without placing a new RFP.
  5. AGM
  6. The date of the AGM will be 25 March 2014 at 19:00. Rosemarie Kuptana will be our guest speaker, presenting her talk on Inuit observations of climate change. Refreshments will be provided.
  7. Action: Rosie will contact Jim Steele to book the Tea Room.
  8. Action: Rosie will contact Chrissy MacEachern regarding refreshments.
  9. Action: Anne-Claude will submit an announcement to the Events sheet.
  10. Social Media Marketing
  11. The Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design is offering an intensive one-day social media marketing workshop. The fee is $60 plus tax, and is typically open only to Centre members; however, the Centre has agreed to allow SABDA to send someone. The person who last year agreed to do social media marketing for our upcoming community web site is no longer available. If someone else in the community can be identified to be our social media coordinator, they could be sent to this workshop. A few names were discussed, and those individuals will be contacted to see if they are interested.
  12. Social Media Training Workshop
  13. Tom Wilson has offered to present social media training in our community at no charge to SABDA. The County will pay for the hall rental. A second trainer will need to be brought in, at about $200 for the session. We agreed that we will charge a fee of $20/person, with a potluck lunch [Note: the available agreed date did not permit scheduling a lunch]. The workshop will ideally take place mid-March.
  14. Motion: to set up the training and cover the second trainer's expenses (moved: Rosie; seconded: Loreto; carried.)
  15. Action: Loreto will contact Tom to organise the event and set up registration, which can be via SABDA's e-mail or by telephoning Anne-Claude.
  16. Action: Loreto will arrange for rental at the Fire Hall once a date has been agreed with Tom Wilson.
  17. Action: Loreto will insert a notice to the Events sheet once the date and hall rental have been fixed.
  18. Next meeting will be our AGM in March; the new board will fix a date for the next business meeting.
  19. Meeting Adjourned (moved: Rosie; seconded: Loreto)

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