St. Ann's Bay Development Association

Annual General Meeting

17 January 2012

Present: Janet Dauphney, Loreto Doyle, Donna Frizzell, Ian Greene, Carol Kennedy, Dennis Laffan, Marcelle Lavoie, Ernie MacAulay, Chrissie MacEachern, James Murphy, Cathy and Ric Nikolai, Sky, Summer, and Sage Riverhawk, Aaron Schneider, Ruth Schneider, Rosie Smith, Angelo Spinazzola, Paul and Barbara Weinberg, Mary Ann Wilson, Jitka Zgola

Regrets: Michée Lemieux, Anne-Claude Pépin

1) Welcome from the Chair (Marcelle Lavoie)

2) Agenda
Approved (moved: Paul Weinberg; seconded: Loreto Doyle)

3) Minutes of AGM of November 2, 2010:
Approved (moved: Paul Weinberg; seconded: Dennis Laffan; carried).

4) Financial Report (Jitka Zgola):

$6,601.70 in bank as of 17 January.

3 cheques written this year:

  1. $30 to Mike Crimp for cleanup day dump run
  2. $50 to SABUC for Tea Room rental (postponed AGM)
  3. $50 to SABUC for Tea Room rental (AGM)

Cabot Trail Writers Festival, previously operating as a committee of SABDA, incorporated its own Society this year, and ceased its use of our bank account; the sub account remains open, with a zero balance.

Adoption of financial report as read (moved: Jitka; seconded: Paul Weinberg; carried).

5) Business Arising from the Minutes of the AGM of November 2, 2010:

  • We sent a formal letter to the Cabot Trail Working Association in support of future efforts at funding ongoing "Viewscapes" work, a project which we think offers many benefits to the community.
  • James Eldridge submitted information about the Viewscapes project to the Community Events sheet.
  • We also contacted the Association and invited them to send a representative to our next meeting, so that they could tell us more about their current situation, and perhaps find ways in which we could work together to further their projects. Ian Greene is the local member of the CTWA board.

6) Break for a special presentation:

Vincent Forrestall presents an overview of his work on Victoria County's new Physical Activities Strategy.

New community member Sky Riverhawk volunteers to act as Vince's contact to our community.

10 minute break

7) Chair's Report: Marcelle Lavoie

In addition to this AGM, SABDA meetings were held in January, April, and September this past year.

The Report from the Chair is appended and incorporated into these minutes as Appendix I.

Chair's Report adopted as read (moved: Marcelle; seconded: Carol Kennedy)

8) New Business

Election of Directors: new Board to be elected for the next two years.

  • Loreto Doyle, Angelo Spinazzola, Paul Weinberg, and Jitka Zgola of the current board have agreed to stand for re-election.
  • Call for nominations:
    Carol Kennedy (nominated by Ruth Schneider, nomination accepted); James Murphy (nominated by Chrissie MacEachern, nomination accepted); Rosie Smith (nominated by Loreto Doyle, nomination accepted); Janet Dauphney (nominated by Loreto Doyle, nomination accepted); Michée Lemieux and Anne-Claude Pépin (nominated by James Murphy, nominees not present).
  • Motion to close nominations (moved: Dennis Laffan; seconded: Paul Weinberg; passed)
  • Motion to acclaim nominees (moved: Ian Greene; seconded: Donna Frizzell; passed). Slate acclaimed.

ACTION: Newly elected members not present will be asked to confirm that they accept their election to the Board. [ Note: Anne-Claude and Michée have since affirmed their acceptance of their election to the board.]

9) Next business meeting: Tuesday 7 February 2012, 7:00 pm at the St. Ann's Bay Community Health Centre.

ACTION: Jamie to confirm availability of the space with Lisa Finney.

10) Meeting Adjourned: at 9:00 pm (moved: Carol Kennedy; seconded: Ernie MacAulay).

Addendum—Appendix I

Chair's Report

In 2011 we held our regular business meetings in January, April, and September.

Paul Weinberg investigated the possibility of developing a public trail on the south side of Indian Brook to the falls. Some trail marking was done by Angelo, Paul, and Barbara Weinberg, and a few alternate trails were marked.

After deliberations with DNR, Paul had very little luck getting a positive, definite response, and insurance appears to be a very expensive item. Consequently, it was decided that there would be no further pursuit in developing this trail into a public one.

We registered SABDA with the Coastal Coalition of Nova Scotia. This means that information and developments concerning aquaculture, coastal erosion, sea turbines for generating power, and other subjects concerning the coast of Nova Scotia, is e-mailed to me. I then forward it to anyone interested in keeping abreast of coastal issues. I will add your e-mail address to the forwarding list if you request it.

James Eldridge and Dennis Laffan asked SABDA to assist them in attempting to keep the Viewscapes project ongoing. This project involved thinning vegetation in particular areas along Cabot Trail roadside to provide better visibility for safety or scenic views. Ian Green, member of the Cabot Trail Working Association which organised the funding, attended our January meeting. He informed us that, due to the present lack of funds, CTWA now holds itself in an advisory position only, and suggests that each interested local organisation take responsibility for its local area.

Straight Highlands Regional Development Agency is administering a new Facades program of $500,000 for our part of the Cabot Trail; this is presently in its preliminary stage. It concerns upgrading the appearance of business store fronts and/or their signage to enhance their visual impact. Several businesses in our community are taking part.

On April 30, which was Earth Day, we organised a roadside clean-up. A truckload of garbage was gathered and delivered to the enviro depot in Baddeck.

The St. Ann's Bay Arbouretum Society asked that SABDA assist in organising a project to upgrade the Red Island Trail. Efforts were made to find funding for the beginning phase (a feasability study), but no funds have been secured. Efforts will continue at a later time.

Wind power and alternative energy have been brought up, and we hope to bring information to the community via Scotian Windfields or CBU's new environmental research centre. Interest in this is for long-term sustainability of our rural community.

Anne-Claude Pépin attended our September meeting and explained the Protected Areas programme for Nova Scotia, which currently proposes expansion of the French River protected area, among others. There will be public hearings at some point in 2012. More information is available on the Province's "12%" web site. We had an information presentation at Indian Brook Fire Hall in the fall of 2011.

It was an uneventful year in terms of "exciting" projects or developments. We are hoping that 2012, with a roster of young faces on board, will be a year of new ideas and new energy. It looks promising.

Submitted by Marcelle Lavoie

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