St. Ann's Bay Development Association

Meeting of 11 May 2012

Present: Janet Dauphney, Loreto Doyle, Michée Lemieux, Anne-Claude Pépin, Ruth Schneider, Angelo Spinazzola, Paul Weinburg, Jitka Zgola

Regrets: Carol Kennedy, James Murphy, Rosie Smith

1) Agenda
Approved (moved: Loreto; seconded: Paul; carried)

2) Minutes of 7 February 2012:
Approved (moved: Angelo; seconded: Anne-Claude; carried)

3) Financial Report:  (Jitka)
Balances are not available; financial report to be tabled and approved at special meeting on May 15.

4) Business Arising from the Minutes of 7 February:

  • Protected Areas:
    A letter on behalf of SABDA was sent to Department of Environment in support of the protection of pre-identified land in the St. Ann's Bay and North Shore areas.
  • Non-profit Governance:
    Loreto is continuing research on available training for board governance.

    ACTION: Loreto will keep board informed of outcomes.
  • Board Director Responsibilities:
    ACTION: Jamie will forward an existing document to Loreto.
    ACTION: Loreto will post the document on the SABDA web site.
  • Coastal Coalition:
    A letter on behalf of SABDA was sent in support of a moratorium on new salmon farms.
  • County Bus Service:
    A letter on behalf of SABDA supporting a public transportation initiative was sent to the County.

5) New Business:

  • St. Ann's Bay Web Site—Five bids were received following a request for proposal for the creation of a web site promoting our area as a unified destination. Two bidders respected all demands from SABDA. Bids were higher than expected ($5,500-$6,000). SABDA board members had a long discussion on the pros and cons of this project.

    Main points discussed were:

    a) maintenance (the site will only serve us well if there is frequent and ongoing promotion of the site);

    b) cost (it requires spending most of our savings);

    c) timeframe to have it up and running;

    d) looks.

    It was decided to have a special meeting on May 15 with more board members present, to allow people more time to look at the bids received, view the two contenders' sample projects, and think about it.
  • Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance—Legislation that protects volunteers from liability and law suits (the "Volunteer Protection Act") will be investigated further in order to write an educated letter to government to lobby for better protection for boards and officers, and to see if SABDA should insure its board members.

    ACTION: Jitka will investigate the issue and report to board members.
  • Presentation of the movie Haiti: Where did the money go?—Screening, followed by dialogue with filmmaker Michele Mitchell, will take place at the Fire Hall on May 16.

    ACTION: Anne-Claude and Janet volunteered to collect donations and sell copies of the film and associated books at the door.
  • Victoria County Physical Activity Strategy—SABDA will try to recruit a volunteer to serve as community connection to the County's programme director.

    ACTION: Janet will call Lisa Finney at the Health Centre to see if there is interest from them, rather than us.
  • Music Festival—Paul will liaise with musicians to start up a Cabot Trail blue grass/folk music festival. Cabot Shores plans to have a mini festival on the week-end of June 23-24, and the actual festival may be around September 14. He noted that the festival doesn't have to be at Cabot Shores, but they have the space and are interested to do it.
  • Fundraising—Angelo is working on developing a House Concert Series as a fundraising means for SABDA.

    ACTION: Angelo will report as he moves forward.

6) Next Board Meeting: Tuesday 15 May 2012, 7:00 pm, at Cabot Shores. Next regular meeting will be scheduled at that time.

7) Meeting Adjourned at 3:45 pm (moved: Angelo; seconded: Loreto).

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