St. Ann's Bay Development Association
Annual General Meeting
2 November 2010
In attendance:
Claire Crimp, Yves Despois, Loreto Doyle, James Eldridge, Chrissie
MacEachern, Dennis Laffan, Marcelle Lavoie, Merrill MacInnis, Aaron
Schneider, Ruth Schneider, Angelo Spinazzola, Paul Weinberg, Kurt
Yonder, Jitka Zgola; Guest Bethsheila Kent
1) Agenda
Approved (moved: Aaron; seconded: Loreto)
2) Minutes of September 21, 2010:
Approved (moved: Paul; seconded: Loreto;
3) Financial Report (Chrissie):
$6,907.90 in bank as of 31 October.
- 2 cheques written this year: 1) $50 for donation of a tree
to the Arbouretum; 2) $28.03 to Registry of Joint Stocks
for Annual Renewal.
Adoption of financial report (moved: Chrissie;
seconded: Ruth; carried).
4) Business Arising from the Minutes of the AGM of
November 3, 2009:
- Followup on high-speed Internet (Aaron):
Brief discussion on status of Internet services in the area:
- only service available is still Aliant (DSL) or Seaside (wireless)
- service speeds are highly variable depending on distance
to box (DSL)
- top speeds in North America approximately 1/4 of speeds
available in Korea (22Mb/s)
- Mark Eyking, newly appointed Liberal "rural affairs" critic,
is pushing for better cell phone service in area (mixed opinions
expressed as to whether cell phone service is beneficial)
5) Chair's Report: Marcelle
The Report from the Chair is appended and incorporated into
these minutes as Appendix I.
Chair's Report adopted as read (moved: Marcelle;
seconded: Ruth)
6) New Business
- Chrissie MacEachern is resigning from the post of Treasurer,
and stepping down from the Board.
- Jitka Zgola, nominated by Paul Weinberg for interim election
to the Board, accepts the nomination.
- Motion to close nominations (moved: Paul; seconded: Loreto;
- Motion to acclaim nominee (moved: Paul; seconded: Loreto;
carried). Jitka acclaimed.
- Motion to elect Jitka as our new Treasurer (moved: Marcelle;
seconded: Aaron; carried).
- James Eldridge presents a review of the current "Viewscapes"
project of the Cabot Trail Working Association, a project that
involves the cleaning of vegetation growth blocking views on the
Cabot Trail. A collection of before-and-after photos of worked
sites is passed around.
- The current project has funding for 10 more weeks, and is
the last contract of the program. The role of the program is
to expose views and improve safety with increased visibility.
The program is thought to be of great value to the community.
James' concern is that the program is ending, and high-priority
sites will require maintenance once a year, and secondary sites
every two years. He requests that SABDA lobby to keep this
program active.
- We acknowledge that this program is important to the
- Aaron suggests that information be brought to the community
via the monthly Events sheet to raise public awareness. Chrissie
suggests sending individual letters from SABDA to interested
parties. Merrill suggests getting in touch with Ken Langley at
ECBC (who gave the last round of funding to Cabot Trail Working
Association) to discuss.
ACTION: James will submit information to the
Events sheet, and send notes regarding the program and
interested parties to Marcelle.
ACTION: Marcelle will draft a formal letter of
support from SABDA, to be used to help Cabot Trail Working
Association make their case for new funding.
- There is some discussion as to whether the Cabot Trail Working
Association is currently pursuing new funding. Loreto suggests
contacting the Association to see if we can help them to find new
funding to keep this program going.
ACTION: Loreto will connect with a member of
the board of the Cabot Trail Working Association, and invite him
or her to attend our next SABDA meeting.
- Paul updates us on the Indian Brook Trail project. He has begun
marking the trail. There is still a question of liability insurance for
anyone who maintains the trail. Membership in the
Nova Scotia Trails Federation
offers reduced-cost insurance, but it is unclear exactly what kinds
of perils are insured.
ACTION: Paul will get clarification on the type of
insurance required, and what is covered by the Trails Federation
- Ruth thanks SABDA for nominating her for a Volunteering award
last spring.
8) Next business meeting: Tuesday 11
January 2011, 7:00 pm at the St. Ann's Bay Community
Health Centre.
Marcelle to confirm availability of the space with Lisa Finney.
9) Break for a special presentation:
Bethsheila Kent presents a narrated slideshow
featuring local fungi.
10) Meeting Adjourned: at 8:30 pm.
(moved: Paul)
Addendum—Appendix I
Chair's Report
In 2010 we held our regular business meetings in January, April,
and September.
The following topics were discussed.
- As a fundraising idea, we discussed the possibility of approaching
owners of the church pews in the former United Church on Dennis
Laffan's property in North River, to offer them for sale with the
proceeds made available for community purposes. This idea was later
put on indefinite hold.
- Marcelle attended the "Celebrating Communities Conference" in
Truro at which community organizations and individuals across the
province are recognized for outstanding contributions to their
communities. A thorough report on this conference by Loreto is
posted on the SABDA website, and appears as an appendix to the
minutes of 5 January.
- We joined the Coastal Coalition to receive updates on
province-wide coastal management issues, covering such things as
aquaculture, seismic, offshore tidal, and erosion.
- We have supported Paul Weinburg's efforts in the development of
an accessible walking trail to the Great Falls on the Indian Brook. Paul
is exploring its feasibility with government officials.
- Victoria County Cap Sites Association's Corinna
Peterson spoke to us about ongoing cap site projects, and is open
to suggestions for other programs of interest.
- We discussed the need for Directors' and Officers' insurance, and
liability insurance for SABDA's committees. There was no conclusion
on this topic. Discussion to be continued.
- SABDA file storage: We would like to establish an efficient storage
system and location for our files.
- We donated a tree for this year's additions to the St. Ann's Bay
Arbouretum on Arbour Day.
- We discussed organizing a clean-up day along the Cabot Trail in our
community for April of 2011. We also continue to investigate provisions
for garbage bins and toilet facilities along the Cabot Trail.
- After several years of service, Chrissie is resigning as Treasurer.
Thank you, Chrissie for the time which you have so generously given.
We have appealed to the community for someone who would be willing
to step into this position.
Thank you all for attending.
Submitted by Marcelle Lavoie
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