St. Ann's Bay Development Association
Meeting of 20 April 2010
In attendance:
Yves Despois, Loreto Doyle, Dennis Laffan, Marcelle Lavoie,
Angelo Spinazzola, Paul Weinburg, Kurt Yonder
Chrissie MacEachern
1) Agenda
Approved (moved: Loreto; seconded: Angelo)
2) Minutes of 5 January 2010:
Approved (moved: Loreto; seconded: Marcelle)
3) Financial Report: (Chrissie via Marcelle)
Little activity since last meeting. $6,895.07 in the SABDA account.
4) Business arising from the Minutes of 5 January:
- Pews at the North River Church:
Angelo visited the Church and concluded that it would be
inappropriate to remove the pews. The idea, to approach
owners to donate them for a fundraising sale (for local trail
maintenance), is shelved for now. He has, however, compiled
a list of pew owners for future reference.
- Arbouretum Society:
This group is set up again and running, confirmed by Loreto
and Dennis.
- Coastal Coalition:
We had wondered whether we should join this organisation,
after its presentation to us at our AGM.
ACTION: The board agrees to individually get
informed on the nature of the Coalition and its work, and then
discuss possible membership at the next meeting. Dennis
will suggest to the Stewards of St Ann's Bay that they may wish
to be involved with this group.
- Indian Brook Trail:
Paul is in contact with the Ministry of Natural Resources and
Department of the Environment in Baddeck. They plan to walk
the trail site with Paul, and see what is possible.
ACTION: Paul will continued to follow this
- General Liability Insurance:
We know that the Health Centre pays about $1,000.00 a year
for general liability insurance. The board has some concern
about the need for such insurance, given its cost and the
nature of our work.
ACTION: Dennis will contact the CB Island
Pathways group (of which he is a member) for information
about how they handle this issue. Their work with trails
raises some similar risks to those that SABDA may face in
its work for the environment and community trails, etc.
- SABDA Directors and Officers Liability Insurance:
The Health Centre pays about $550 per year for this. The
general feeling is that this is a more important insurance to
think about, to protect those who volunteer for the board.
There has been talk in the past of a government bill to
relieve Society boards from the same kind of liability faced by
business boards (one such bill died with the last government;
we don't know if a new one has been introduced). No final
decision was made. Discussion deferred to the next meeting.
5) New Business:
- SABDA file storage—We have no set standards or
location for storage, and currently depend on board members
to sort and store our records. We agree to consider a more
efficient storage system.
ACTION: Marcelle will contact Ruth and
Chrissie to locate past files. Further discussion will take place
at the next meeting.
- Nova Scotia for Equalization Fairness—Aaron, who
brought this item to our attention, was not at the meeting.
We don't know specifically what he wants to do about this tax
issue, so discussion was postponed to the next meeting.
ACTION: Marcelle will ask Aaron to bring his
intentions to the next meeting.
- SABDA Tree Planting—We were approached by the
Arbouretum to donate a tree for this year's additions on
Arbour Day, at a cost of $50.
Motion: Move to make such a donation:
moved: Angelo, seconded Paul, passed.
ACTION: Chrissie will write a cheque to Dennis
Laffan for the corresponding expense.
- Trash at Barachois River overlook—A complaint about
heavy dumping and a report of its subsequent cleanup were
made to the board; different areas are well known for the
same problem.
ACTION: Paul will contact Merrill to see
whether the fire department plans a cleanup day (it has organised
them in the past). Paul will also contact the Cabot Trail Working
Association to see how we can incorporate a cleanup day with a
"spring festival" they have in mind.
Loreto will contact Victoria County (Merrill) about the
possibility of placing Garbage facilities along the Trail, especially
at the known sensitive places (like look-offs), and of adding those
locations to regular garbage collection routes. Also, she will
suggest increasing toilet facilities along the Trail, and placing
road signage to indicate the locations of these facilities.
- SABDA Secretary—The board has approved making
minute-taking a rotating assignment. Paul has volunteered to take
minutes at our September meeting, and Kurt at our
November meeting.
ACTION: Yves will contact Chrissie to see if
she is interested in this position, perhaps even exchanging the
roles of secretary and treasurer (especially if she will not be
responsible for Minutes!).
6) Next Board Meeting: Tuesday
21 September 2010, 7:00 pm, at St.
Ann's Bay Health Centre.
7) Meeting Adjourned
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