St. Ann's Bay Development Association
Meeting of 15 September 2009
In attendance:
Yves Despois, Loreto Doyle, Marcelle Lavoie, Chrissie
MacEachern, Ruth Schneider, Angelo Spinazzola
Veronika Brezski, Carol Kennedy, Merrill MacInnis,
Aaron Schneider
1) Agenda
Approved as revised (moved: Chrissie; seconded: Loreto)
2) Minutes of April 15, 2009:
Approved (moved: Ruth; seconded: Angelo)
3) Financial Report: Chrissie
$7,162.48 in the SABDA chequing account. This includes
$500 from ECBC for the "Little Bit Out
There" festival.
A line has been opened for the "Cabot Trail Writers
Festival", with signing authorities Susan Zettell
and Chrissie.
Report accepted (moved: Chrissie; seconded: Loreto)
4) Business arising from last meeting:
- Coastal Action Network—Jen Graham from the
Ecology Action Centre (EAC) is willing to come to speak at
our AGM.
Motion: Jen will be offered $100 to defray
travel expenses (moved: Ruth; seconded: Chrissie)
ACTION: Ruth will contact Jen to confirm
the date.
- Mushroom Foray Request—Marcelle has contacted
Earlene Busch to clarify our support for events in the community
(we assist with seed money on a cost-return basis, we write
letters of support, etc.), but has not had a reply.
- Web Site—Loreto has sorted out the web site
connection problems experienced by some people in the
community. She has checked with Andy Watt about the
liability issue around web site advertising of work to be
done or those willing to do work. There is some
liability involved, but it's very slight. This was discussed, and
the Board determined that the risk was too small to be
of concern.
5) New Business:
- Cabot Trail Writers Festival—The festival is currently
a committee of SABDA, and has a financial line in our account.
Susan Zettell and Chrissie MacEachern are signing authorities.
The festival has a web site, and is scheduled for Oct. 2, 3, 4.
Donna Morrisey will be the keynote speaker.
- AGM Planning—The AGM was set for
November 3, 7:00 pm, at the United Church
Tea Room. Jen Graham of Ecology Action Centre has
agreed to be our guest speaker.
ACTIONS: Marcelle will put an ad in the
Community Events sheet calling for nominations. Chrissie
will reserve the Tea Room and arrange food.
- Proposed Trail Improvement—the old Cabot Trail
from Tarbotvale to the current Cabot Trail.
SABDA proposes to upgrade this trail to make an additional
short hiking trail in the community. A tentative date for trail
clean-up has been set for October 20 (rain date
Oct 22). Meet at 10:00 am at the Barrachois
Bridge in Tarbotvale. Bring clearing tools. Contact Marcelle
if interested: 929-2680. Potluck at Marcelle's afterward.
ACTIONS: Ruth will advertise in the
Community Events sheet. Marcelle will contact Winston
Smith and Jim Steele, whose property abuts the
old trail.
- Pews in the former United Church in North River—A
suggestion was made to contact pew owners to see if they
want them back, or would donate them to SABDA to sell on
Kijiji with the object of putting the money back into the
community for infrastructure on hiking trails.
Motion: That Angelo talk to Dennis Laffan,
contact Nicole Cammaert for the list of pew owners, and
contact owners to propose selling the pews on these terms
if they don't want to remove them
(moved: Ruth; seconded: Marcelle)
ACTION: Angelo will do the above, and
will report back to Marcelle.
- Celebrating Communities Conference—September
23–25 (Wednesday–Friday) in Truro.
Marcelle has registered for the conference. Accommodation,
meals, and registration have been covered by the conference
organisers for up to 4 people. Loreto will take the second
space, and two others could go if they share a room.
ACTION: Marcelle will contact Amy MacInnis,
Carol Kennedy, and Veronika Brezski to see if two of them
might be interested in taking the other places.
- Other Concerns—A concern was raised about the
fact that the Arboretum Society's registration is out of date,
and about the appearance of the sides of the road along
the Cabot Trail due to the road repairs.
ACTION: Loreto will contact Dennis Laffan
regarding the Arboretum.
6) Next Board Meeting: Usually in January.
The date will be set by the new Board after the AGM
completes its business.
Meeting Adjourned.
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