St. Ann's Bay Development Association

Meeting of 23 September 2008

In attendance:
Loreto Doyle, Shirley Hefferon, Marcelle Lavoie, Chrissie MacEachern, Aaron Schneider, Ruth Schneider, Angelo Spinazzola, Andy Watt

Bev Brett, Carol Kennedy, Merrill MacInnis

1) Agenda
Approved (moved: Ruth; seconded: Loreto)

2) Minutes of April 21, 2008:
Approved (moved: Loreto; seconded: Ruth)

3) Business Arising from the Minutes:

  • Community Arts Award—the proposal has not been sent in. Bev Brett has said she will check on the deadline date and get back to Marcelle.
  • 250th Democracy Celebration—Aaron learned there was nothing available for small communities.
  • Arboretum—A SABDA tree was planted and Dennis was paid $25.

4) Financial Report: Chrissie

As of August 31st there was $7,327.26 in the SABDA account, including $100 received from Voluntary Planning. A cheque for $53.91 has not yet cleared. The Health Centre owes SABDA $40.50 for a bill that Chrissie paid for a mail-out (Community Event Sheet).

SABDA's Society Registration has been reactivated for this coming year after much difficulty for Chrissie and Ruth over the summer. It is necessary to check the web site yearly to ensure that our payment has been received and acknowledged.

Accepted (moved: Chrissie; seconded: Ruth)

5) SABDA Web Site: Loreto

Loreto set up a web site for SABDA on her own domain. The majority of those who responded to the survey did so via this web site. We can now post minutes of meetings there, and, after the AGM, we can post the survey results. So check it out:

Many thanks to Loreto for her work.

6) Survey Results:

Survey results were compiled by Loreto, Marcelle, and Ruth. The meeting reviewed the summary they provided, highlighting some things they felt SABDA might be able to act upon. The summary will be taken to the AGM on November 4 for that group to define specific actions that might be taken.

7) AGM:

It was agreed that the AGM will be in November (later confirmed for Tuesday 4 November), at the SABUC Tea Room. Refreshments will be provided, and everyone is encouraged to attend.

8) Next Quarterly Board Meeting: Tuesday 13 January  2009.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 pm.

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